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  1. Description: NPlot is a free charting library for.NET. It boasts an elegant, flexible API and includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and a class for creating Bitmaps.
  2. Charting library for.NET. Contribute to mhowlett/nplot development by creating an account on GitHub.
  3. NPlot is an open source charting library for.NET. It boasts an elegant and flexible API. NPlot includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and a class for creating Bitmaps. A GTK# control is also available.
  4. C# Class NPlot.LabelPointPlot Encapsulates functionality Inheritance: PointPlot, ISequencePlot.
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  • Last stable release: sdk-stable
  • Last development snapshot: sdk-devel


The IDrawable and IPlot Interfaces

Plot Documentation Matlab

People often email me to suggest new Plot types they think should be included in NPlot. Unfortunately, it isn't possible for me to implement all of these (due to lack of time) and some are too specific to include in a general library - I'd prefer to concentrate on providing a stable, well designed base library. The good news of course is that NPlot provides some very well defined interfaces that promote user extensibility. In this section, I'll discuss IDrawable and IPlot.

To create charts with NPlot, you add items to a 'PlotSurface2D' using the Add method. This method has multiple signatures, but they all take an IDrawable as a parameter - the thing to be drawn on the plot surface.


The IDrawable interface is the simplest possible that allows drawing on a plot surface. It comprises one method:

void Draw( Graphics g, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis );

The first parameter is the Graphics context - you draw to this using the standard GDI+ calls.

The last two parameters are the axes which let you determine the physical position of a world coordinate.


In NPlot, the concept of 'Plot' is an object that wraps around some data, and provides functionality for drawing that data against axes of a chart. Formally, plot objects are objects that implement the IPlot interface. You can implement this interface to create new plot types allowing you to easily create custom graphical representaitions for custom data sets.

Some miscellaneous documentation. Applies to v0.9.9.3 and up.

Rectangle Plot

Pawel Konieczny writes: We have already a BarPlot, which allows for free value of both bar ends,but is one-dimensional. We have already a HistogramPlot, which is 2-dimensional, but the bottom is always at the abscissa axis. I needed a plot in which I could freely set the size of the bar (rectangle) depending on data values.

RectanglePlot accepts one series of (x,y) data, in which every even datapoint defines a left rectangle point, and every odd data point definesthe diagonal right rectangle point. I use it to visualize trades,plotted on a quotes plot. This is a standard way of visualizingtrades. My addition is the gradient fill, which I use to various seriesof trades (e.g. winning versus losing). To make the trades visualizedaccording to their profit/loss size, the gradient can be laid on ascale: absolute, by defining the value at which gradient reaches the maxcolor (remember the absolute scale of the image plot?) or relative,where the length of the gradient is expressed in percent change from thestart.

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I believe this plot will be useful to everybody working on a financialapplication.


Pawel Konieczny writes: VerticalMultiGuideline is my solution to have several VerticalGuidelinessynchronized on horizontal mouse movement. To be more specific: imaginetwo plots stacked one on top of the other, for instance quotes plotabove volume plot, or right audio channel plot above left audio channelplot. If I add VerticalGuideline to both plots, only one of them isvisible at the time - the one in the plot over which is actually themouse. VerticalMultiGuideline shows and synchronizes them both.

The usage is somewhat different than for the rest of interactions,because the constructor has to get the collection ofNPlot.Windows.PlotSurface2D objects, on which the guidelines will bedrawn. But then it still has to be added to each of those plot surfacesindividually, over which the mouse move be tracked. Usually, it will bethe same list, but need not be.

Nplot documentation

Example usage:

NPlot.Windows.PlotSurface2D[] { ps1, ps2 });



Pawel Konieczny writes:PlotRegionCursor allows for changing the cursor shape withing the plotarea. Although each Windows control can have its own cursor, the plotarea is not a separate control. Changing a cursor only over the plotarea can be done with this interaction. I use it in the case when Ihave a vertical and a horizontal guide enabled for a surface. Thestandard cursor is then redundant, even more, it unnecessary obscuresthe plot surface. So I add this interaction setting the cursor to anempty (transparent) one (attached, if you want to use it in a demoprogram). In the future, it may be useful to make the class more rich,for instance, specifying a different cursor for the X and Y axis hover.When the AxisDrag is in use, it would be good to give a visual feedbackin a form of an appropriate cursor, that the axes are draggable.

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Although the NPlot license does not require you to make any changes you make to the source code publically available, we would be delighted if you consider doing so. This also benefits you in that you won't need to worry about merging your changes with each subsequent release of NPlot you download.

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  • NPlot's source code is hosted in a Subversion repository so the easiest way is to checkout latest code with your favorite subversion client and use it's inbuilt capabilities for diffing. For more detailed instructions have a look at Main.SourceCode.
  • For small changes, you can use the CSDiff program to create difference information between your modified file(s) and the corresponding file(s) in the latest release. Use 'diff' format, not 'friendly' format.

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